Last year we replaced our kitchen and bought an Damixa G-Type V3.0 kitchen mixing tap see picture below.
Damixa G-Type V3.0 - 72000
We want to use the same tap collection for our bathroom, so please check the website for the design collection of Damixa taps. We ordered the following taps:
Damixa G Type V3.0 - 72820 Damixa G Type V3.0 - 72500
Yesterday evening we starten with our new bathroom. First of all the toilet needed to be removed, after that we will remove the central heating. The hanging toilet will be adjusted and placed first. Next week we are also starting to build the walls for the bath and shower cabin.
My name is Hans Veldman, born on 7 May 1979 at Hualien (Taiwain). I live with my wife Nicole Dibbets in Swifterbant (Flevoland). We have two house pets, "Pluisje" the Rabbit and a whitefish (formerly a gold fish).
Futhermore we both like diving and I am a big fan of Prison Break.