donderdag 21 januari 2010

Hans Veldman Consultancy Solutions & XS2Dynamics helpen Haiti

zoals iedereen weet en heeft gezien en gehoord is Haiti getroffen door een aardbeving. Vandaag zendt Radio 555 tot 21:00 uur uit en daarna vindt de tv actie plaats. Elke kleine beetjes helpen en daarom willen Hans Veldman Consultancy Solutions en XS2Dynamics ook graag helpen.
Wij hebben 4 Hosted CRM Demo accounts voor 1 maand ter veiling aangeboden op en Twitter. De opbrengst wordt gestort op Giro555. Voor meer vragen mail of of twitter hansveldman.

zondag 10 januari 2010

Partnership meeting @ Brussels

Today I have my partneship meeting with WaveAccess in Brussels. WaveAccess is based in Russia but they had to come to Brussels for meetings so an excelent chance to speak in person again. The weather was good for a drive to Brussel so on the agenda: partnerships, CRM opportunities and event. Keep you informed....

donderdag 7 januari 2010

Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB

This weekend I have some meetings in Brussels and after that I am going to buy my new Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB. I am a Windows user so this will be my first Apple device. Nicole is already into the Apple with here Macbook. I am very curious in the userinterface and of course touchscreen, so I will let you know. Of course I am going to use Mobile CRM of CWR Mobility on the iPhone:)

Elf Steden Tocht???

Today the temperature was -15,5 degrees below zero in Swifterbant. Lots of snow has fallen since Christmas and the Ice Skating is open since this week, so Winter in Swifterbant and the Netherlands. We have some serious problems parking my BMW because I have rear wheel drive and an automatic acceleration barge. Of course I took lots pof pictures so this will be posted soon. New snow record: 20cm in Swifterbant :) So wintersport vacation at home :)