dinsdag 25 november 2008

Prison Break Season 4 - Episode 12: Selfless

As always tuesday morning and YES the next episode of Prison Break is online. You can download episode 12: Selfless here. ENJOY!!!

As a recall, tonight on RTL5, Prison Break Season 4 will start in the Netherlands, so for all that aren't watching Season 4 online, check it out!!!

vrijdag 21 november 2008

Prison Break Season 4 - Episode 11: Quiet Riot

Due to my trip in Copenhagen, I wasn't able to post episode 11, but here it is. ENJOY!

dinsdag 11 november 2008

Prison Break Season 4 - Episode 10: The Legend

Just been available for download, episode 10. "The Legend" can be downloaded here.

dinsdag 4 november 2008

Apple MacBook 13 inch

Today we received our new laptop, an Apple MacBook 13,3' with 4GB internal memory and 320GB hard drive. For the complete specs, please click here. I must say, using an Apple for the first time is a complete new experience for a Windows minded user, but Apple is really easy to install and can be used directly. So in one word: FANTASTIC!!! See pictures of the MacBook below.

Prison Break Season 3 continues

Sorry for the late post, but as many Prison Break fans noticed, Season 3 is now transmitted on RTL5. Season 4 will follow directly after the last 3 episodes of Season 3.

Prison Break Season 4 - Episode 9: Greatness Achieved

Yesterdayevening episode 9 was broadcasted on Fox and of course available for download here. Everbody who has been watching episode 8 was very curious about Agent Mahone is going to do...., so enjoy!!! On november 11th episode 10 will be broadcasted.